Privacy Policy


AssistExpo inc.

You agree that this agreement complies with the terms of any applicable electronic documents legislation, including the requirement that this agreement is in writing, and is capable of being retrieved, reviewed, printed and stored for further use.

Privacy Policy

At AssistExpo respecting the privacy and safeguarding the personal information of our users is a commitment that is fundamental to our business and central to the trust people have in our company.

This privacy policy explains why we collect personal information from you, how we use it and the steps we take to ensure your privacy is protected when visiting

AssistExpo is serious about protecting you and your data.

By "Personal Information", we mean information about an identifiable individual such as a person's name, email address, residential address, telephone number, and in some cases, more sensitive information such as but not limited to gender, birth date, IP address, family status, parent or guardian name, allergies, medical condition, emergency contact information, health card number and expiry date, dietary preferences, doctor name and contact information, agricultural premises ID, company or farm name, company or farm address, company or farm phone number, the animals' owners names and addresses, information including amounts about prizes won, information including amounts about donations and fees paid to the agricultural fair or show, information about animals or other exhibits presented at the agricultural fair or show.

What is defined as personal information — the things this policy is designed to protect.

To demonstrate our commitment to protecting your privacy, we have developed this Privacy Policy, which describes how we will collect, use, disclose, retain and protect Personal Information in order to provide you with our online entries and online payments services, and other agricultural fair or show management services (collectively, the "Services") offered and maintained by us from time to time. Our Privacy Policy is based on applicable privacy legislation as well as internationally recognized privacy principles.

This policy sets out the rules of what we do with your Personal Information It’s based on actual laws and international standards and principles.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the term "Site" means these websites (,,,, and, all related webpages, and all related websites operated by AssistExpo inc., but does not include any third-party websites which are linked to or may link from this website whether or not such third-party websites are used in connection with the Services. "AssistExpo Apps" means the Site and all mobile applications and other applications which provide access to the Services offered by AssistExpo from time to time.

“Site” refers only to AssistExpo-owned web properties and not any third-party sites. AssistExpo Apps are our web, mobile and any other applications that provide access to our services.

AssistExpo Privacy Policy


AssistExpo has designated Michel St-Pierre to be responsible for the creation, oversight and implementation of our Privacy Policy and procedures to protect Personal Information, for receiving your privacy-related questions, and for providing you with information about our privacy practices. Michel St-Pierre is also responsible for notifying you of any material changes to our privacy practices, by posting updated information on our Site.
You can contact Michel St-Pierre:
Michel St-Pierre
AssistExpo inc.
PO Box 1
St-Georges de Windsor, QC
J0A 1J0
Phone: 1-855-916-9846

Michel St-Pierre is responsible for the privacy policy and is the one making the changes, notifying you, and answering your questions.

Identifying Purposes

AssistExpo collects, uses, and discloses Personal Information only for the purposes of providing you with our Services and for such other ancillary purposes consented to by you as a user of the AssistExpo Site or AssistExpo Apps.

We’ll only use your info to provide the services we’ve defined in our Terms of Use or in other ways that you’ve explicitly consented to.

Personal Information

More specifically, AssistExpo collects, uses and discloses information (which may include Personal Information) for the following purposes:

To provide you with our Services, including online entries and online payments to an agricultural fair or show; this requires AssistExpo to share your personal information with that agricultural fair or show.

To contact you for the purposes of product information, service updates and notifications relating to the Services. AssistExpo will never sell or give your contact details to a third party.

To monitor system usage, server and software performance, to improve system design, to create benchmarks and to conduct trending analysis.

To assist you with technical support issues. It is important to remember that most technical issues can be resolved without an AssistExpo customer service representative viewing your Personal Information.

To comply with any laws, regulation, court orders, subpoenas or other legal process or investigation and to protect ourselves and other individuals from harm.

To assist in due diligence relating to any corporate action such as a financing,merger, amalgamation, sale or divestiture, provided that reasonable safeguards are taken to protect the confidentiality of Personal Information in our possession.

We collect your information to better provide our services to you. These services include things like:

  • Online entries
  • Online payments
  • Providing tech support
  • Monitoring our systems
  • Compliance with the law


AssistExpo takes a consent-based approach to the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information. We collect Personal Information directly from you and only obtain Personal Information from other organizations (third-party service providers) when you provide us with the membership numbers, registration numbers or other credentials required to retrieve the Personal Information and for the purpose of providing you with our Services. We use and disclose the Personal Information only as described in this policy and our Terms of Use.

We collect your personal information from you. If you want us to gather information from other sources (online registries), you’ll need to provide credentials and consent. We only use this data in ways we describe here and in our Terms of Use.

At any time and without penalty, AssistExpo users can withdraw their consent and close their AssistExpo account by taking the following actions:

Login to your account, click the "My Profile" link in the top right corner then click on the button "Close my account" and confirm by clicking "Yes, close my account".

You will be sent an email for confirmation that the account is being closed by the rightful account holder. Click the link in the email. In the web page that opens, click "Yes, please close my account" to complete your account closure.

Once your account is closed, we will take the following actions:

All Personal Information relating to your account will be deleted from our online entries and online payments databases. However, anonymous data (which does not personally identify you) may be retained in our database. Agricultural fairs or shows where you have made online entries may also keep copies of your personal information in their own databases.

If you want to close an agricultural fair or show account, you need to contact AssistExpo in writing and ask for you account to be closed and license to be terminated.

You can close your account whenever you want by following the steps on the left.

When you confirm the closure, we’ll delete your personal information. However, agricultural fairs or shows where you have made online entries may keep copies of your personal information.

In order to use certain Services, you may be required to provide personal information relating to yourself and your employees, exhibitors, parents, child, children, agents, fitters, members, contractors and representatives from time to time. You acknowledge, and represent to us that you only collect, use and disclose personal information in compliance with applicable privacy laws. You further represent and warrant to us that you have obtained all required consents from people whose personal information will be disclosed to us in connection with the Services. You further agree to indemnify and hold AssistExpo, its affiliates, subsidiaries, partners, service providers, suppliers and contractors and each of their respective officers, directors, agents, and employees (collectively, the "AssistExpo Parties"), harmless for any loss, cost, complaint, damage, claim or liability whatsoever arising from your collection, use and disclosure of personal information relating to your employees, exhibitors, parents, child, children, agents, fitters, members, contractors and representatives.

To use some services, you’ll need to provide information about other people. Only do this if you’re legally allowed to. If problems come up around your collection and use of this data, that’s on you.

Limiting Collection

AssistExpo limits the collection of Personal Information by collecting only the information required to fulfill the identified purposes. We will collect only the minimum amount of information required to facilitate the Services. However, we provide you with the option of sharing additional information to enhance your use of the Services.

We only collect the personal information we need to provide our services. You can give us more info to improve your AssistExpo experience, though.

If an agricultural fair or show configures it's AssistExpo setup to ask you for credit card information or bank account information within the AssistExpo website, please let us know at and do not answer their questions. We regularly check to make sure that doesn't happen. The only place where you can safely enter your credit card information is on the payment gateways form (Bambora, Worldline, Paypal, BeanStream, Square, Stripe, Moneris, FirstData or others).

If you're being asked for credit card information within the AssistExpo website (not the payment gateways), please let us know at

AssistExpo does not process online payments by itself. AssistExpo relies on online payments gateways like Bambora, Worldline, Paypal, BeanStream, Square, Stripe, Moneris, FirstData or others. As such, AssistExpo will never require or store any of your credit card information. When making an online payment, you will be redirected to the secure payment gateway website where credit card information can be entered securely. The payment gateways will not share credit card information with AssistExpo.

AssistExpo does not need your credit card information. We use payment gateways to process payments. Only enter your credit card information on the payment gateways.

Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention

AssistExpo will not use or disclose Personal Information for purposes other than the identified purposes of the Services or such other purposes which we identify from time to time.

We won’t use, share, or store your information in ways you aren’t made aware of.

We also ensure that only those employees responsible for the Services' operations have physical or technical access to Personal Information and only where such access is required to perform work authorized by their supervisors.

We’ll make sure nobody at AssistExpo can see your personal info unless they need it to do their job.

AssistExpo will retain Personal Information only for the duration of your enrollment as an AssistExpo user, and Personal Information will be retained in access-secured databases. If you choose to withdraw from the Services, we will securely destroy your Personal Information in our possession and control within 45 days unless we are required to retain such Personal Information longer to fulfill our obligations to you or to third parties. Agricultural fairs or shows where you have made online entries may keep copies of your personal information. We may retain non-personal information indefinitely.

We’ll only keep your data while you’re an AssistExpo user. We’ll keep it secure. We’ll delete the data that can be tied back to you within 45 days of you closing your account. This doesn’t include data that can’t identify you. Agricultural fairs or shows where you have made online entries may keep copies of your personal information.

We retain all Personal Information provided by you on secure servers, as do our third-party partners and service providers. This data will be subject to the laws of the relevant jurisdictions. Our third-party service providers, including payment gateways, have their own terms of use and privacy policies that will govern your relationship with these third parties. You are responsible for reviewing and agreeing to these terms of use and policies. If you do not agree with these terms of use or privacy policies you should not use the services offered by such third-party service providers.

We keep our data secure and so do our partners and providers. If you want to use any of our third-party service providers, you’re responsible for reading their terms and privacy policies. For example, you may decide to pay online and by doing so, you are entering into a separate agreement with a payment gateway (Bambora, Worldline, Paypal, BeanStream, Square, Stripe, Moneris, FirstData or others), and you will be subject to the terms they give you.

When AssistExpo data is viewed in the AssistExpo Apps, some data is cached in the memory of the device (browser). That data is deleted when the related application is closed and does not persist. If the application is put in the background without closing, the data may remain in the cache. We take no responsibility for any unauthorized viewing of this data by third parties.

When you use our mobile app(s), we store some data in memory on your mobile device. If you don’t close the app when you’re done, some of that information may still be in memory and could be viewed by others. We can’t take responsibility for this, so be sure to close your apps when you’re done.

When AssistExpo data is viewed in the AssistExpo websites, some data is temporarily stored in the memory of the browser. The AssistExpo websites instruct the browser to not cache the data so that data is deleted when the browser is closed and does not persist. If the browser is put in the background without closing, the data may remain in memory. We take no responsibility for any unauthorized viewing of this data by third parties. Depending on browser's configuration, or if proxies, external caches or other software is installed on the computer, we take no responsibility for any unauthorized viewing of this data by third parties.

When you use our websites, we temporarily store some data in browser's memory. If you don’t close the browser when you’re done, some of that information may still be in memory and could be viewed by others. We can’t take responsibility for this. Browser settings or other software may make copies of the data. We can’t take responsibility for this.

AssistExpo does not need and does not have access to your computer, your browser or your files. The only personal information available to AssistExpo is the information you explicitely provide while using AssisExpo.

AssistExpo does not need and does not have access to your computer, your browser or your files. The only personal information available to AssistExpo is the information you explicitely provide while using AssisExpo.


AssistExpo relies on you to ensure that the Personal Information you provide to us while using the Services is as accurate, complete and up-to-date as necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used. You are welcome to make changes, request deletion or corrections to Personal Information at any time by signing in to your account.

You are responsible for ensuring that the information you have provided is truthful, accurate, reliable and complete.

When you give us personal information, we rely on you for accuracy.


AssistExpo implements industry best practices appropriate to the sensitivity of your Personal Information. We use administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect your Personal Information against loss, theft, and unauthorized access, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal, or destruction in accordance with applicable legal requirements and industry best practices.

For example, we implement encryption and security controls to protect against unauthorized access to Personal Information during electronic transmission. We also undertake regular security assessments and network vulnerability scans to ensure that we maintain strong security controls.

We use industry best practices, both technical (like encryption) and physical (like secure, locked-up server facilities), to protect your data, its storage, transmission, and disposal.


AssistExpo makes clear and transparent notice of its privacy practices publicly available via our Privacy Policy. Our notices describe the collection, use, disclosure, and protection of Personal Information and provide the contact information of our privacy contact person.

AssistExpo will advise you at the first reasonable opportunity upon discovering or being advised of an incident where your personal information is lost, stolen, accessed, used, disclosed, copied, modified or disposed of by unauthorized persons or in an unauthorized manner.

We’re very clear about our stance on privacy and we’ll let you know ASAP of any unauthorized incidents involving your data.

Individual Access

You own your data which you input using AssistExpo. Upon request, AssistExpo will also provide you with a list of the agricultural fairs, agricultural shows, national breed associations, livestock traceability organisations or agencies to whom AssistExpo has disclosed your Personal Information, and the countries in which our servers are located.

Your data is yours. If you ask we’ll let you know which other places your data has gone.

Additional Features

With your consent we may post your testimonial along with your name. If you want your testimonial removed please contact us at

The Site includes Social Media Features, such as the Facebook Like button, or buttons to follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter. These Features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the Feature to function properly. Social Media Features are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Site. Your interactions with these Features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it.

An agricultural fair using AssistExpo may decide to publish its judging results on AssistExpo's website. In that case, your name, city and province and your animals names may be published on AssistExpo's website.

For some animal breeds, AssistExpo will send the show results (placings) to the national breed association. In that case, your name, city and province and your animals names, registration number, date of birth, sire, dam and placing will be sent to your national breed association. Those include but may not be limited to Holstein Canada, Jersey Canada, Ayrshire Canada, Holstein Quebec, Jersey Quebec, Ontario Holstein, Ontario Jersey, Angus Canada, Hereford Canada.

Where livestock traceability regulations or recommendations are in place, an agricultural fair using AssistExpo may have to or decide to declare animals present on their premises, their movements, where they arrive from and where they return to. In that case, your name, address, city, province, premises ID, vehicle license plate and your animals name, date of birth, tattoo, registration number may be declared to the applicable organisations, agencies or systems, including but not limited to, CFIA, CCIA, CLTS, Attestra, SimpliTrace, PigTrace, DairyTrace, Lactanet Canada and others as required by regulations in place.

AssistExpo has tools allowing agricultural fairs or agricultural shows using AssistExpo to export their data (your data) to various file formats. We take no responsibility for what the agricultural fairs or agricultural shows do with the data or with those files.

If you give us consent, we might use one of your quotes for a testimonial — and if you want that removed, let us know.

Our Site has some social media features (Follow us, Like us, etc) which, if you use them, may collect your IP, set a cookie, etc. The companies providing these tools have their own rules and policies which apply to the use of these features.

An agricultural fair may decide to publish its judging results on AssistExpo's website and those may include your name, city, province and animal names.

For some animal breeds, AssistExpo will send the show results (placings) to the national breed association. For example, to Holstein Canada.

Where livestock traceability regulations or recommendations are in place, AssistExpo will send the necessary information to the applicable organisations, agencies or systems.

We take no responsibility for what the agricultural fairs or agricultural shows do with the data or with those files.

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a user's computer for record-keeping purposes. A session ID cookie expires when you close your browser. A persistent cookie remains on your hard drive for an extended period of time. We and some of our third-party service providers use session ID cookies on the Site. We do not link the information we store in cookies to any personal information you submit while on our Site. We use cookies to make it possible to navigate the secure environment inside our Site. You can remove persistent cookies manually by following directions provided in your Internet browser's "help" file. If you refuse cookies, you will not be able to use AssistExpo, since session ID cookies are essential to navigation.

We use cookies and they may stay on your computer unless you clean them out. We use them to track things like your login session. We don’t link these cookies to any personal information.

Notification of Privacy Policy Changes

We may update this privacy policy to reflect changes to our information practices. If we make any material changes we will notify you by email (sent to the e-mail address specified in your account) or by means of a notice on our website prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you to periodically review our Privacy Policy for the latest information on our privacy practices.

If we change what we do, we’ll update this policy to reflect that. If we make any serious changes, we’ll notify you by email or a notice on the website before the changes are in effect. We recommend you read through this every once in a while for the latest information on how we deal with privacy.

Challenging Compliance

AssistExpo has someone responsible for receiving your privacy-related questions. You may send us your privacy-related questions or challenge our compliance with our Privacy Policy by submitting your concern to:
Michel St-Pierre
AssistExpo inc.
PO Box 1
St-Georges de Windsor, QC
J0A 1J0
Phone: 1-855-916-9846

Michel St-Pierre is responsible for answering your privacy questions and to respond to you if you think we’re not doing the things we say we do.