A picture that shows an "activity" within the branch

  1. Forester's Falls Women's Institute, Forester's Falls, ON
  2. Zion Line Women's Institute (Beachburg), Cobden, ON
  3. Greenwood Women's Institute, Pembroke, ON
  4. Queen's Line Women's Institute, Cobden, ON

"Display" and item that shows us "you" are a W.I. member

  1. Queen's Line Women's Institute, Cobden, ON
  2. Greenwood Women's Institute, Pembroke, ON
  3. Forester's Falls Women's Institute, Forester's Falls, ON
  4. Zion Line Women's Institute (Beachburg), Cobden, ON

Display a craft that you have made in your branch

  1. Queen's Line Women's Institute, Cobden, ON
  2. Zion Line Women's Institute (Beachburg), Cobden, ON
  3. Forester's Falls Women's Institute, Forester's Falls, ON
  4. Greenwood Women's Institute, Pembroke, ON

An old W.I. cookbook - with favourite recipe hand printed and a sample of cookies from the cookbook - include the page #

  1. Zion Line Women's Institute (Beachburg), Cobden, ON
  2. Forester's Falls Women's Institute, Forester's Falls, ON
  3. Queen's Line Women's Institute, Cobden, ON
  4. Greenwood Women's Institute, Pembroke, ON

A picture and small write up of something your branch has participated in

  1. Greenwood Women's Institute, Pembroke, ON
  2. Zion Line Women's Institute (Beachburg), Cobden, ON
  3. Queen's Line Women's Institute, Cobden, ON
  4. Forester's Falls Women's Institute, Forester's Falls, ON

A picture with a short description of a ROSE program you or your branch has participated in

  1. Zion Line Women's Institute (Beachburg), Cobden, ON

A basket with 3 jars of canned or pickled food

  1. Greenwood Women's Institute, Pembroke, ON
  2. Forester's Falls Women's Institute, Forester's Falls, ON
  3. Zion Line Women's Institute (Beachburg), Cobden, ON

F.W.I.O handbook

  1. Queen's Line Women's Institute, Cobden, ON
  2. Forester's Falls Women's Institute, Forester's Falls, ON

Diorama depicting 3 W.I achievements in a Kleenex box with description

  1. Queen's Line Women's Institute, Cobden, ON
  2. Greenwood Women's Institute, Pembroke, ON