Make an aquarium using a cereal box

  1. Gillian Buchanan, ON
  2. Gabriel Doddridge, ON
  3. Max Isea-Cotonam, Cobden, ON

Create a house (with a roof), out of popsice sticks

  1. Max Cull, ON
  2. Lucy Laska, Arnprior, ON
  3. Peter Mariegaard, Beachburg, ON

Dress up a teddy bear or stuffed animal, as if it is going to a wedding

  1. Charlotte Belmore, Cobden, ON
  2. Layla Hamilton, ON
  3. Audrey Perez, ON

Using twigs, create a picture frame

  1. Charlotte Belmore, Cobden, ON
  2. Emsie McBride, ON
  3. Audrey Perez, ON

Collect leaves and create a person on paper

  1. Marceline Valliant, Cobden, ON
  2. Audrey Perez, ON
  3. Emsie McBride, ON

Create a truck out of recycled items

  1. Charlotte Belmore, Cobden, ON

Decorate a door stop, no rocks allowed

  1. Audrey Perez, ON
  2. Jonah McLaren, ON
  3. Ava McLaren, Ottawa, ON

Make a structure out of coffee cups

  1. Emsie McBride, ON