A collection of vegetables of any kind in basket, wheelbarrow, cart, etc.

Which may be decorated

  1. Hagerman Farms, Picton, ON
    Best in Class 1 - Collections
  2. Matt Rabbie, Picton, ON
  3. Mario Spinosa, Milford, ON

Collection of Onions, in shallow basket or lid

  1. Hagerman Farms, Picton, ON
    Best in Class 3 to 10

Collection of Peppers, in shallow basket or lid

  1. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
  2. Matt Rabbie, Picton, ON
  3. Jenna Empey, Picton, ON

Collection of Gourds

  1. Jenna Empey, Picton, ON
  2. Nancy Kish, Picton, ON
  3. Amanda Montgomery, Conseon, ON

Garden Herbs, assorted collection of 5 or more, named

  1. Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
  2. Maurice Carlier, Picton, ON
  3. Kerri Cooper, Picton, ON

Tomatoes, display of mixed varieties, named

  1. Matt Rabbie, Picton, ON
  2. Ashley Scanlon, Prince Edward, ON

Tomatoes in shallow basket or lid

  1. Jenna Empey, Picton, ON
  2. Ashley Scanlon, Prince Edward, ON