Mincemeat pie

  1. Margaret Jarvis, Picton, ON
  2. Susan Genereaux, Wellington, ON

Mincemeat tarts, 4 on a plate

  1. Susan Genereaux, Wellington, ON
    Best in Section KCI

Fruit Cake, light (not iced)

  1. Irene Camp, Picton, ON

Shortbread Cookies, 4 on a plate

can be cut in seasonal shapes, but don't have to be

  1. Vanessa Lewington, Picton, ON
  2. Margaret Jarvis, Picton, ON
  3. Jim Heron, Bloomfield, ON

Gingerbread cookies, 4 on a plate

can be cut in seasonal shapes, but don't have to be

  1. Susan Genereaux, Wellington, ON
  2. Gene Day, Picton, ON
  3. Jim Heron, Bloomfield, ON