Drawing - Pencil only

  1. Charleigh Hegadorn, Picton, ON
  2. Gwenivere Williams, Demorestville, ON
  3. Leo Vader, Picton, ON

Drawing- Any other media

  1. Nora Vader, Picton, ON
  2. Ezra McLuhan, Bloomfield, ON
  3. Marcella Jaskulski, Belleville, ON

Painting - Watercolour

  1. Leah Whitfield, Bloomfield, ON
  2. Alaina Harper, Demorestville, ON
  3. Violet Dayton, Picton, ON

Painting - Any other Media

  1. Stella Warner, Picton, ON
  2. Alice Davies, Picton, ON
  3. Hendrix Putman, Picton, ON

Collage any Media (not photography)

  1. Nora Vader, Picton, ON
  2. Olivia Gryce, Bloomfield, ON
  3. Leah Whitfield, Bloomfield, ON

Superhero 2D - Any Media

  1. Olivia Gryce, Bloomfield, ON
  2. Leo Vader, Picton, ON

2D Picture made from Natural materials

  1. Charleigh Hegadorn, Picton, ON
    Best in Section YCB
  2. Audrey Cherwinka, Cherry Valley, ON

2D - Other Writing and Penmanship

  1. Leo Vader, Picton, ON
  2. Nora Vader, Picton, ON
  3. Adam Cherwinka, Cherry Valley, ON

Penmanship - 4 to 6 lines or more of transcribed writing with author's name

  1. Alice Davies, Picton, ON
  2. Leo Vader, Picton, ON

I Love the Picton Fair - Artwork any media

  1. Deegan Moore, Demorestville, ON
  2. Marcella Jaskulski, Belleville, ON
  3. Leo Vader, Picton, ON

Animal/Wildlife Nature Picture

  1. Charleigh Hegadorn, Picton, ON
  2. Gwenivere Williams, Demorestville, ON
  3. Adam Cherwinka, Cherry Valley, ON

Abstract Picture

  1. Maddi Cleave, Bloomfield, ON
  2. Deegan Moore, Demorestville, ON

Exhibitor's Favourite Picture

  1. Nora Vader, Picton, ON
  2. Charleigh Hegadorn, Picton, ON
  3. Leo Vader, Picton, ON