Yearling Heifer born January 1st, 2022 to December 31st, 2022

  1. PF ELSIE RLP 12K, C03092030
    Female Junior Champion Ribbons only
    Female: Grand Champion, 1st and 2nd Place from Calf, Jr and Sr Champion Classes Ribbons only
    Rae-Lee Erickson, Rocky View County, AB
  2. CCR 9F SHIRLEY 57K, C03095393
    Female Junior Champion Ribbons only - Reserve
    Cody Turner, Knutsford, BC
  3. Smith Farms Versace 1K, C03093421
    Clint Smith, Abbotsford, BC
  4. OSR MISS KALIE 2K, C03096494
    William Dundass, Knutsford, BC