Brood Mare

  1. Calhua, 3254
    David Johnson, Thorndale, ON
  2. Diamond, 3235
    David Johnson, Thorndale, ON
  3. S, 1
    JEFF Thiel, Parkhill, ON
  4. D, W
    JEFF Thiel, Parkhill, ON

Foal of 2023

  1. Will, 4321
    David Johnson, Thorndale, ON
  2. Lacey of the Hilltop, PENDING
    Driver: Martina Arth
    Martina & Andy Arth, Jerseyville, ON
  3. A, A
    JEFF Thiel, Parkhill, ON
  4. A, 1
    JEFF Thiel, Parkhill, ON
  5. W, W
    JEFF Thiel, Parkhill, ON

Filly or Gelding, 1 year

  1. Calypso, 3526
    David Johnson, Thorndale, ON
  2. Whiskey on the Hilltop, 3507
    Martina & Andy Arth, Jerseyville, ON

Filly or Gelding, 2 year

  1. Walker, 3474
    David Johnson, Thorndale, ON
  2. Lady of the Hilltop, 3468
    Martina & Andy Arth, Jerseyville, ON

Filly or Gelding, 3 years or older

  1. Sam, 3427
    David Johnson, Thorndale, ON
  2. Apple Jack, 3205
    Martina & Andy Arth, Jerseyville, ON
  3. JEFF Thiel, Parkhill, ON
  4. August, 3206
    Martina & Andy Arth, Jerseyville, ON
  5. JEFF Thiel, Parkhill, ON

Best Haflinger on the grounds

  1. Desi, 3449
    David Johnson, Thorndale, ON
  2. David Johnson, Thorndale, ON
  3. David Johnson, Thorndale, ON
  4. TBD, TBD
    Martina & Andy Arth, Jerseyville, ON
  5. David Johnson, Thorndale, ON