Bull Calf

Born after January 1st, 2023 minimum of three months of age on day of judging

  1. BHL TIBBIES TWISTER 4L, 2329814
    Tyson Childs, Shawville, QC
  2. J-STAR LIGHT EM UP 2301, 2329354
    Tyson Childs, Shawville, QC

Bull Yearling

Born January 1st, 2022 to December 31st, 2022

  1. HOOTAWAY KICKSTART 215K, 2249125
    Stuart Adams, Bristol, QC

Female Calf

Born after January 1st, 2023 mimimum of three months of age on day of judging

  1. HOOTAWAY MARY 304L, 2323327
    Stuart Adams, Bristol, QC
  2. BHL MISS LAINEY'S LADY 3L, 2303075
    Tyson Childs, Shawville, QC
  3. HOOTAWAY PRIDE 306L, 2323430
    Stuart Adams, Bristol, QC
  4. BHL I LOVE LUCY 2L, 2303074
    Tyson Childs, Shawville, QC
  5. HOOTAWAY ELSIEMERE 313L, 2323441
    Stuart Adams, Bristol, QC

Yearling Heifer

Born in 2022

    Tyson Childs, Shawville, QC
  2. HOOTAWAY KARMA 202K, 2249112
    Stuart Adams, Bristol, QC
  3. RCF BLACKBIRD 2217, 2274690
    Dave Coles, Shawville, QC
  4. GOOD VIEW PRIDE 10K, 2263163
    Jake Childs, Shawville, QC

Breeder's Herd

Group of 4 animals bred by the exhibitor (both sexes to be repersented)

    Stuart Adams, Bristol, QC

Get of Sire

Group of 3 animals all sired by the same bull (both sexes to be repersented)

    Stuart Adams, Bristol, QC