Liquid Honey - White

Open to Ontario and provinces east thereof

  1. Buzz Barn Honey, Acton, ON
    Champion – White Liquid Honey
    Lorna Robinson Trophy
  2. Carolyn Reed, Brantford, ON
    Champion – White Liquid Honey - Reserve
  3. Graeme Foers, Egbert, ON
  4. MoreRoses Apiaries, Hastings, ON
  5. Summer's Gold Honey Company, Merlin, ON
    Grand Champion Liquid Honey - Reserve
  6. McCaig Farm, Dalkeith, ON
  7. Treeline Honey, Barrie, ON
  8. Anna's Bee-Licious, Ottawa, ON
  9. Hunking Honey, Singhampton, ON
  10. Sinclair Honeybees, Pelee Island, ON
  11. Stewarts Honey, Green Valley, ON
  12. The Village Bee Company, Brampton, ON
  13. Black Tractor Farms, Warkworth, ON
  14. Autumn's Bounty, Cannington, ON
  15. Host A Hive, Mississauga, ON
  16. Pooh Creek Apiaries, Guelph, ON

Liquid Honey - Golden

  1. McCaig Farm, Dalkeith, ON
    Champion - Other Than White Liquid Honey
    Grand Champion Liquid Honey
    Premier Exhibitor Award
    Toronto District Beekeepers Association Trophy
    Canadian Honey Council Challenge Trophy
  2. Summer's Gold Honey Company, Merlin, ON
    Champion - Other Than White Liquid Honey - Reserve
  3. Honeytree Apiaries, Burgessville, ON
  4. Carolyn Reed, Brantford, ON
  5. Treeline Honey, Barrie, ON
  6. Autumn's Bounty, Cannington, ON
  7. Graeme Foers, Egbert, ON
  8. MoreRoses Apiaries, Hastings, ON
  9. Hunking Honey, Singhampton, ON
  10. Knotty Coppertop, Union, ON

Liquid Honey - Amber

  1. Summer's Gold Honey Company, Merlin, ON
  2. McCaig Farm, Dalkeith, ON
    Toronto District Beekeepers Association Trophy
  3. MoreRoses Apiaries, Hastings, ON
  4. Stewarts Honey, Green Valley, ON
  5. Autumn's Bounty, Cannington, ON
  6. Treeline Honey, Barrie, ON

Liquid Honey - Dark

  1. McCaig Farm, Dalkeith, ON
  2. Buzz Barn Honey, Acton, ON
  3. Autumn's Bounty, Cannington, ON
  4. Host A Hive, Mississauga, ON

Granulated Honey

  1. McCaig Farm, Dalkeith, ON
  2. Autumn's Bounty, Cannington, ON
  3. Treeline Honey, Barrie, ON
  4. Carolyn Reed, Brantford, ON
  5. Summer's Gold Honey Company, Merlin, ON

Comb Honey

3 Pieces, wood sections or plastic rounds (see Rule 6)

  1. Knotty Coppertop, Union, ON

Cut Comb Honey

3 Pieces, approximately 3" x 4" each (see Rule 6)

  1. Autumn's Bounty, Cannington, ON
  2. McCaig Farm, Dalkeith, ON
  3. Treeline Honey, Barrie, ON
  4. Buzz Barn Honey, Acton, ON
  5. Stewarts Honey, Green Valley, ON
  6. Summer's Gold Honey Company, Merlin, ON

Chunk Honey

Three 500g jars containing one piece of comb honey and the jar filled with liquid honey.

  1. McCaig Farm, Dalkeith, ON
  2. Graeme Foers, Egbert, ON
  3. Summer's Gold Honey Company, Merlin, ON
  4. Autumn's Bounty, Cannington, ON
  5. Treeline Honey, Barrie, ON


Display od producer's own pure beeswax, minimum 3lbs, maximum 6lbs (1 block per exhibit)

  1. Buzz Barn Honey, Acton, ON
  2. Summer's Gold Honey Company, Merlin, ON
  3. Treeline Honey, Barrie, ON

Mead, Dry

3 glass bottles

  1. Ontario Honey Creations, Amaranth, ON

Mead, Sweet

3 glass bottles

  1. Ontario Honey Creations, Amaranth, ON

Dominion & Grimm Award

  1. McCaig Farm (477.8 pts)
    Dalkeith, ON