Traditional Butter Tarts

(Raisins and/or Nuts)

  1. Praline Pecan
    Premier Exhibitor
    Doo Doo's Bakery, Bailieboro, ON
  2. Maple Walnut
    Maple Key Tart Co., Colborne, ON
  3. Raisin
    Maple Key Tart Co., Colborne, ON
  4. Pecan
    Maple Key Tart Co., Colborne, ON
  5. Pecan Butter Tart
    Giffen's Country Market, Glen Huron, ON
  6. Raisin Butter Tarts
    Giffen's Country Market, Glen Huron, ON
  7. Raisin/Nut
    Doo Doo's Bakery, Bailieboro, ON
  8. Pecan Butter Tart
    The Bakery Warkworth, Warkworth, ON
  9. Rum Soaked Raisin Buttertart
    The Bakery Warkworth, Warkworth, ON
  10. Raisin
    JJ's Butter Tart and Pastry Co., Brampton, ON
  11. nuts
    Carla's Cookie Box, Woodbridge, ON