Ewe, 1st pair of temporary incisors in place

  1. YOUNG LW 142G RR, CAN755621
    Young Purebred Sheep, Brantford, ON
  2. SHADOW ROCK 13G, CANB758747
    Shadow Rock Farm, Schomberg, ON
  3. SHADOW ROCK 4G, CANB755050
    Shadow Rock Farm, Schomberg, ON
  4. YOUNG LW 149G RR, CAN755624
    Young Purebred Sheep, Brantford, ON
  5. YOUNG LW 159G, CAN757718
    Young Purebred Sheep, Brantford, ON

Naturally Coloured Ewe Lamb Class

First pair of temporary incisors in place

  1. FINLAY FLO 91G, CANB756976
    Champion Ewe - Reserve
    Finlay Southdowns and Lincolns, Lucknow, ON
  2. FINLAY FERN 92G, CANB756977
    Finlay Southdowns and Lincolns, Lucknow, ON

Ewe, Yearling 3rd pair of temporary incisors in place

  1. YOUNG LW 111F, CAN744322
    Champion Ewe
    Young Purebred Sheep, Brantford, ON
  2. SHADOW ROCK MSR 23F, CANB753219
    Shadow Rock Farm, Schomberg, ON
  3. YOUNG LW JOJO 106F, CAN747910
    Young Purebred Sheep, Brantford, ON
    Shadow Rock Farm, Schomberg, ON
  5. SHADOW ROCK 29F, CAN753221
    Shadow Rock Farm, Schomberg, ON

Naturally Coloured Ewe Yearling Class

Third pair of temporary incisors in place

  1. GARDHOUSE JGS 37F, CANB758809
    Finlay Southdowns and Lincolns, Lucknow, ON
  2. SHADOW ROCK 14F, CANB758814
    Shadow Rock Farm, Schomberg, ON
  3. GARDHOUSE JGS 17F, CANB758766
    Finlay Southdowns and Lincolns, Lucknow, ON

Ram, 1st pair temporary incisors in place

  1. SUN SLOPE LAD 10G, CAN757144
    Champion Ram
    Sunslope Farms, Shallow Lake, ON
    Champion Ram - Reserve
    Shadow Rock Farm, Schomberg, ON
  3. SHADOW ROCK MSR 9G, CAN755051
    Shadow Rock Farm, Schomberg, ON
  4. MCGLASHAN 56G, CAN758522
    Young Purebred Sheep, Brantford, ON
  5. YOUNG LW 136G QR, CAN757724
    Young Purebred Sheep, Brantford, ON

Naturally Coloured Ram Lamb Class

First pair of temporary incisors in place.

  1. FINLAY FRANC 90G, CANB756978
    Finlay Southdowns and Lincolns, Lucknow, ON

Ram, Yearling 3rd pair of temporary incisors in place

  1. SHADOW ROCK 3F, CANB746339
    Shadow Rock Farm, Schomberg, ON
    Bond Vale Farm, Atwood, ON
  3. YOUNG 105F RR, CAN757785
    Young Purebred Sheep, Brantford, ON

Naturally Coloured Ram Yearling Class

Third pair of temporary incisors in place

  1. SHADOW ROCK 6F, CANB747120
    Shadow Rock Farm, Schomberg, ON

Get of Sire

Group of three animals by the same sire, at least one must be owned by the exhibitor.

  1. Shadow Rock Farm, Schomberg, ON
    Best Get of Sire - Long Wool Breeds
  2. Finlay Southdowns and Lincolns, Lucknow, ON
  3. Young Purebred Sheep, Brantford, ON

Progeny of Dam

Two (2) animals dammed by the same ewe

  1. Young Purebred Sheep, Brantford, ON

Breeder's Flock Bred & Owned by the Exhibitor

Group of four animals of one breed

  1. Shadow Rock Farm, Schomberg, ON
    Best Flock - Long Wool Breeds
  2. Young Purebred Sheep, Brantford, ON