Senior Heifer Yearling

Born between January 1st, 2022 and January 31st, 2022

  1. OATTES CREAM SODA 31K, 1403895 (1st in heat #1)
    South Bristol Cattle Company, Bristol, QC
  2. KT MOLLY 2202, 1405203 (1st in heat #2)
    Senior Yearling Heifer Champion - Reserve
    Premier Livestock, Milverton, ON
  3. KADE'S MISS KNIGHT 16K, 1397310 (1st in heat #3)
    Senior Yearling Heifer Champion
    Grand Champion Female
    Kingfield Farms Award (Female)
    Supreme Champion Simmental
    Walkerbrae Farms, Guelph, ON
  4. OATTES CREAM SODA 3K, 1423333 (1st in heat #4)
    Oattes Cattle, COBDEN, ON
  5. ACADEMY HILL KIT KAT 8K, 1394000 (2nd in heat #1)
    Academy Hill Livestock, Grafton, ON
  6. STEWART LAZY KISSY, 1403339 (2nd in heat #2)
    Stewart Livestock, Newbury, ON
  7. ERIXON RENOWNED 19K, 1387767 (2nd in heat #3)
    Brendale Acres, Allenford, ON
  8. CLARKE FASHIONISTA 211K, 1399504 (2nd in heat #4)
    Blue Shoe Investments, Maidstone, ON
  9. RPCC RED KEANNA ET238K, 1394515 (3rd in heat #1)
    River Point Cattle Co., Glencoe, ON
  10. J-STAR CAROLINA 18K, 1401713 (3rd in heat #2)
    J-Star Livestock, Beachburg, ON
  11. IRCC P2B KARAT 217K, 1400532 (3rd in heat #3)
    Hanes Livestock, Lynden, ON
  12. MAPLE FALLS MISS KATIE 2K, 1403916 (3rd in heat #4)
    Maple Falls Simmentals, Loyalist, ON
  13. PLL KASEY 5H, 1402490 (4th in heat #1)
    Dunraven Simmentals, Calumet Island, QC
  14. HFL HEIDI 2026K, 1399406 (4th in heat #2)
    Timberwood Farms ltd, Shinimicas, NS
  15. TBF 8421F KILL THE LITES 5K, 1396443 (4th in heat #3)
    Bottwood Acres, Belwood, ON
  16. RED BLAIR'S SMARTY PANTS 851K, 1405468 (4th in heat #4)
    Crooked Creek Farms, Lucknow, ON
  17. TIME VIEW KERRY 9K, 1403352 (5th in heat #1)
    Time Veiw Farms, Brussels, ON
  18. CROCRK KIWI 225K, 1393092 (5th in heat #2)
    Crooked Creek Farms, Lucknow, ON
  19. ACADEMY HILL KENTUCKY 4K, 1394286 (5th in heat #3)
    Academy Hill Livestock, Grafton, ON
  20. SLY RUBY'S EXPECTATION 104K, 1393984 (5th in heat #4)
    Academy Hill Livestock, Grafton, ON
  21. CEDAR CREEK JEWEL, 1403672 (6th in heat #1)
    Grace Smith, Alma, ON
  22. CROCRK KUZOO 240K, 1398493 (6th in heat #2)
    Crooked Creek Farms, Lucknow, ON
  23. HFL ROSE 2022K, 1399436 (6th in heat #3)
    Victoria Smith, Alma, ON
  24. RVCC RED KEPT FORTUNE 01K, 1400603 (6th in heat #4)
    Rick-Sha Farm, Moorefield, ON
  25. MAPLE STONE FLIRTIN 6K, 1386770 (7th in heat #1)
    Bogart Cattle Company, Tweed, ON
  26. TONETTE KAREN KORK 7K, 1417895 (7th in heat #2)
    Brandlee Simmentals, Stirling, ON