Cut Flowers
Show Results (2024)
Asters- Large, shaggy or Crego type - 3 Blooms
- Judy Young, Picton, ON
Asters - small, pincushion or powder puff - 5 blooms
- Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
- Michelle Nyman, Picton, ON
- Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
- Danya Slik, Picton, ON
Celosia - plume - 3 blooms
- Matt Rabbie, Picton, ON
- Charles Rabbie, Picton, ON
- Ashley Scanlon, Prince Edward, ON
Chrysanthemums - 3 spray or blooms
- Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
Cleome (spider flower) - 3 blooms
- Heather Heron, Bloomfield, ON
- Matt Rabbie, Picton, ON
- Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON
- Romany Cooper, Bloomfield, ON
Dahlia - 4 1/2" or less - 3 blooms
- Muriel Rabbie, Picton, ON
- Matt Rabbie, Picton, ON
- Charles Rabbie, Picton, ON
Dahlia - over 4 1/2" - 1 bloom
- Michelle Nyman, Picton, ON
- Matt Rabbie, Picton, ON
- Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
- Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
- Judy Young, Picton, ON
- Laura Bryan, Picton, ON
- Maurice Carlier, Picton, ON
- Arlene Wright, Picton, ON
- Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
Lavatera - 3 stems with multiple flowers
- Heather Heron, Bloomfield, ON
Marigolds - small, 2 1/2" or less - 3 blooms
- Sally Latimour, Picton, ON
- Sarah Mowbray, Demorestville, ON
- Arlene Wright, Picton, ON
Marigolds - over 2 1/2" - 3 blooms
- Charles Rabbie, Picton, ON
- Jenna Empey, Picton, ON
- Matt Rabbie, Picton, ON
Pansies - mixed colours, display
- Maurice Carlier, Picton, ON
- Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON
Petunias - any variety - 3 blooms
- Muriel Rabbie, Picton, ON
- Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
- Matt Rabbie, Picton, ON
Physostegia (obedient plant) - 3 stems
- Heather Heron, Bloomfield, ON
Rose - red or shades of red - 1 bloom
- Hedy Campbell, Picton, ON
- Sally Latimour, Picton, ON
- Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
Rose - yellow or shades of yellow - 1 bloom
- Romany Cooper, Bloomfield, ON
- Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
Rose - bi-colour - 1 bloom
- Hedy Campbell, Picton, ON
- Gabriele Cole, Pictton, ON
- Tammy Marks, Picton, ON
- Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
- Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON
Rose - any other colour - 1 bloom
- Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
Rose(s) - any other type(s)
- Arlene Wright, Picton, ON
- Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
- Jenna Empey, Picton, ON
Rose - 1 floating in a bowl, (no foliage)
- Hedy Campbell, Picton, ON
- Romany Cooper, Bloomfield, ON
- Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
Rudbeckia - uniform colour - 3 blooms
- Matt Rabbie, Picton, ON
- Michelle Nyman, Picton, ON
- Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON
Rudbeckia - multicoloured - 3 blooms
- Judy Young, Picton, ON
- Jenna Empey, Picton, ON
- Rosalind Leslie, Picton, ON
- Arlene Wright, Picton, ON
- Ashley Scanlon, Prince Edward, ON
- Judy Young, Picton, ON
- Gennavive Rabbie, Picton, ON
- Matt Rabbie, Picton, ON
- Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
- Jenna Empey, Picton, ON
Zinnias - small, under 2" - 3 blooms
- Matt Rabbie, Picton, ON
- Jenna Empey, Picton, ON
- Laura Bryan, Picton, ON
Zinnias - medium, 2" to 4 1/2" - 3 blooms
- Matt Rabbie, Picton, ON
- Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON
- Danya Slik, Picton, ON
Zinnias - large, over 4 1/2" - 1 bloom
- Danya Slik, Picton, ON
- Niall Carroll, Picton, ON
- Jenna Empey, Picton, ON
Any flower or stalk, other than a rose and no foliage, floating in a bowl, named
- Michelle Nyman, Picton, ON
- Maurice Carlier, Picton, ON
- Rosalind Leslie, Picton, ON
A single flower, or stalk, artistically arranged with other materials
Using a bottle container
- Michelle Nyman, Picton, ON
- Ronika Dayton, Bloomfield, ON
- Brittney Blackman, Picton, ON
Any other flower not listed above, named - 1-3 stems or blooms
- Carol Wilson, Carrying Place, ON
Best in Section CF - Judy Young, Picton, ON
- Brittney Blackman, Picton, ON